Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Oracle Cash Management Setups - System Parameters

Oracle Cash Management Setups - System Parameters

Oracle Cash Management configuration:


Complete the below required setups to start CM setups:

  • Create Cash Management Responsibility
  • Define Profile Option Values for Cash Management responsibility
  • Assign Cash Management Responsibility to Users
  •  Assign Legal Entity to the Cash Management Responsibility

Assigning the Legal Entity to Cash Management responsibility gives the access to legal entity for cash management setups.

Note: This is very important setup and without this setup, you cannot access the legal entity to setup CM system parameters. 

Responsibility: User Management > Roles & Role Inheritance

Select Type: Roles & Responsibilities
Select Category: Miscellaneous
Select Name: Cash Management Super User (Responsibility Name) 
Select Application: Cash Management
Press Go button
Then Click on Update.

Below screen will appear.

Click on Security Wizards button

Click on Run Wizard

Click on Add Legal Entities button to add legal entity
Select Legal Entity
Checked box Use field
Checked Box Bank Account Grants Maintenance Field
Checked Box Bank Account Transfers

****** Pre- requisite section ended ***************************

Cash Management Setups:

Setups the CM setups to configure Cash Management Module
Navigation: Cash Management > Setup > System > System Parameters

Select Legal Entity
Select Ledger
Enter Begin Date

System Controls:

Show Cleared Transactions:

 If you check this check box, cleared transactions will be available for reconciliation along with uncleared transactions. Otherwise only unclear transactions will appear for reconciliation.

Show Void Payments:

You need to select this option if you want to voided payments available for reconciliations.

Add Lines to Automatic Statements:

 If you check this check box, users can add lines to existing automatically loaded bank statements.


Use the Archive and Purge check boxes to allow Auto-reconciliation program to automatically purge/archive the data from Bank Statement Interface tables once the information has been successfully transferred to the bank statement tables.
Note: You need to run the purge/archive Bank Statement Program.

Line Per Limit:

This is the number of lines that auto reconciliation will save at the given time.

Signatory Authorization limit:

You can select signatory approval limit manual or workflow enabled.

Workflow enabled:

This option use the seeded business even to change the status on the bank account signatory authority window from pending to approved, when record is entered.

Manually Controlled:

These options allow configuring the workflow approval process.

Cash Management Transaction:

Exchange Rate Type:

 Cash Flows and Bank Account Transfer transactions use the exchange rate specified here.

Bank Statement Cash flow Rate Date: 

The cash flow program uses the date specified here to get the exchange rate details.

Bank Transfer Rate Date: 

The Bank Account Transfers use the date specified here to get the exchange rate details.

Bank Account Transfers Authorization: 

Specify whether the authorization is required to settle bank account transfers.

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