Wednesday, December 14, 2016

End to End Setups for configuration of Oracle iprocurement. R12

Oracle >Oracle iprocurement 

Oracle iprocurement Setups in R12 

Following are the mandatory Setups for configuration of Oracle iprocurement.

  1. Set profile Options
  2. Create Iprocurement Category
  3. Create Purchasing category (No need if already created for Purchasing)
  4. Category mapping, Map Iprocurement category with purchasing category.
  5. Creating content Zone
  6. Create Stores 

1-Profile Options

Set the Profiles options “ YES”

POR: Autocreate Shopping Category and Mapping = Yes
POR:Allow Manual Selection of Source = Yes


Other profile options will be default.

2- Iprocurement Category Creation:

You can create iprocurement ( Shopping) category and hierarchy as per your requirement here we will build some sample category.

Category Name           Category Type             Level
Outside Items               Browsing Category      Parent
Direct Marketing          Browsing Category      Child      
Marketing Items          Shopping Category      Child

2.1 Navigation :iProcurement Administration: Home Page > Schema > Item Categories

Select the Schema 
Then select Item Category

Enter category Key
Enter Category Name
Enter Description

And Press Apply

Note : Category Key: Once we enter the value and save, we can't modify.

To create Category Hierarchy Click on Category hierarchy:

2.2 -Top- Level Category Creation

To create Category Hierarchy, first need to create Top- Level Category

 Select the Schema 
Then select Category Hierarchy

Click on Create Top Level Category

Enter category Key
Enter Category Name
Enter Description

And Press Apply

2.3 -Child Category creation

 Select the Schema 
Then select Category Hierarchy
To create child Category click on Create Child

Select the Top-Level category 
Then Press Create Child

Enter category Key
Enter Category Name
Enter Description

And Press Apply

Now, you can see Child Category Category under "Top- Level Category" category 

If to you want to insert multiple Child categories to your Top-Level category then insert in the top level category. 

Select the Top-Level Category
Then Click on Insert Existing Child

Search the Existing Child Category and press go to find 
Select the Child Category and Press Apply.

Outside Items ==== > Direct Materials ==== > Marketing Items

3- Purchasing Category Create:

You need to create purchasing category to map with iprocurement category. If you have already configure Purchasing module then you can use the existing Purchasing category to map with iprocurement category.

Step-1: Define “Item Category” flexfield structure

Responsibility: “Inventory Superuser” or similar

Navigate to: Setup -> Flexfields -> Key -> Segments

Query for Application “Inventory” and Flexfield Title “Item Categories”.

There is already one seeded structure for the purchasing category as “PO_ITEM_CATEGORY” but if you want to define a custom one for your business please create it by entering the Structure code, title and description. Add the required category segments to the structure.

Step-2: Define Item Categories

Navigate to: Setup -> Items -> Categories -> Category Codes.

Enter the structure name and click on the “Find” button.
Define the Item category codes and description in the “Categories” form.

Step-3: Define Category Set

Navigate to: Setup -> Items -> Categories -> Category Sets

Enter the category set name, description, flex structure (the one you have setup in the Step-1), Controlled at and Default Category values.
Add the category codes defined in the previous step to the details section of the “Category Sets” form.

Step-4: Assign the category set to the functional area

Navigate to: Setup -> Items -> Categories -> Default Category Sets

Assign the category set name defined in the Step-3 to the “Purchasing” functional area.
Now the purchasing category setup is complete.

4- Category Mapping - Iprocurement category with Purchasing category:

Map the purchasing category with iprocurement category.

Navigation : Iprocuement Catalog administration >Schema > Category Mapping 

Query Purchasing Category.

Check the box and click on MAP

Query iprocurement Category 

Click on Apply.

Category Mapped!

5- Creating Content Zone:

Now create the content zone.

Navigation : Iprocuement Catalog administration >Sotre > Content 

Select Create Local Content Zone
then Press Go

Enter Content Zone name 
Enter Description

Supplier Section:

Include items from all suppliers: Users can create the requisitions for all the items for all the suppliers (It should have Blanket Purchase Agreements)
Include items from specific suppliers: Users can create the requisitions for the items which was assigned to a specific supplier. If we enable this option then we need to enter that specific supplier name (It should have Blanket Purchase Agreements)

Exclude items from specific suppliers: Users can not create the requisitions for the items which was assigned to a specific supplier.
Exclude items that are sourced from suppliers: Users can not create the requisitions for the items which was already sourced from the suppliers (ASL and Sourcing Rule).
Include items without suppliers: Without the Blanket Purchase Agreements, the users can create the requisitions for all the items. As soon as we create the items with purchasing category and if that purchasing category mapped into shopping category then we can raise a requisition.

Categories Section:
Restrict the category for your iprocurement
Security Section:
You can restrict the Operating units 

Press Apply!

6- Create Store:

Store includes the group of content zones and smart forms.

Navigation : Iprocuement Catalog administration >Sotre > Stores

Click on Create Store to create the store

Enter Store name
Select Image 
Press Continue

Enter Sequence 
Press Apply

Store is created.

you can sequence the store by clicking on Sequence Store as per the order that is required.


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