Monday, December 5, 2016

Oracle Purchasing Category Setup : Oracle R12

Oracle Purchasing


How to setup Oracle Purchasing Category 

Purchasing Category Create:

You need to create purchasing category to map with iprocurement category. If you have already configure Purchasing module then you can use the existing Purchasing category to map with iprocurement category.

Step-1: Define “Item Category” flexfield structure

Responsibility: “Inventory Superuser” or similar

Navigate to: Setup -> Flexfields -> Key -> Segments

Query for Application “Inventory” and Flexfield Title “Item Categories”.

There is already one seeded structure for the purchasing category as “PO_ITEM_CATEGORY” but if you want to define a custom one for your business please create it by entering the Structure code, title and description. Add the required category segments to the structure.

Step-2: Define Item Categories

Navigate to: Setup -> Items -> Categories -> Category Codes.

Enter the structure name and click on the “Find” button.
Define the Item category codes and description in the “Categories” form.

Step-3: Define Category Set

Navigate to: Setup -> Items -> Categories -> Category Sets

Enter the category set name, description, flex structure (the one you have setup in the Step-1), Controlled at and Default Category values.
Add the category codes defined in the previous step to the details section of the “Category Sets” form.

Step-4: Assign the category set to the functional area

Navigate to: Setup -> Items -> Categories -> Default Category Sets

Assign the category set name defined in the Step-3 to the “Purchasing” functional area.
Now the purchasing category setup is complete.

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