Monday, November 14, 2016

Oracle General Ledger > Security Rules

How to define Security Rules in Oracle General ledger (GL) R12

Oracle General Ledger > Security Rules

You can define security rules for each segment or report parameter for which you want to restrict data entry. Within a rule, you specify ranges of segment values to include and exclude from use. You can create many rules for the same segment or parameter, and assign the rules to different responsibilities. You also define the error message you see if you try to enter a value for which you do not have access. If you define no security rules for a segment, you can enter any value you have defined into that segment.

Create Ranges of Approved Values

Since you include or exclude values by ranges, you should plan your segment values carefully to make security rules easy to define. Organizing your values in ranges or "chunks" of related values helps you keep your security rules simpler (and helps keep cross-validation rules simpler as well).
Suggestion: We recommend that you define many rules that each have few rule elements rather than a few rules that each have many rule elements. The more rules you provide, the more specific you can make your message text.

Following is the steps to create define security rules.
  1.          Defining Security Rules
  2.         Defining Security Rule Elements
  3.         Assigning Security Rules

1- Define Security Rules

Navigation: General Ledger > Setup > Financial > Flexfield > Key > Security > Define.

1. In the Segment Values block, identify the value set to which your values belong. You can identify your value set or by the flexfield segment or concurrent program parameter that uses the value set.
2. In the Security Rule region, enter a name and description for your security rule.
3. Enter a message for this security rule. This message appears automatically whenever a user enters a segment value that violates your security rule.
4. Define the security rule elements that make up your rule. See: Defining Security Rule Elements.
5. Save your changes.

2- Define Security Rule Elements

You define a security rule element by specifying a value range that includes both a low and high value for your segment. A security rule element applies to all segment values included in the value range you specify.
You identify each security rule element as either Include or Exclude, where Include includes all values in the specified range, and Exclude excludes all values in the specified range. Every rule must have at least one Include rule element, since a rule automatically excludes all values unless you specifically include them. Exclude rule elements override Include rule elements.

You should always include any default values you use in your segments or dependent value sets. If the default value is secured, the flexfield window erases it from the segment as the window opens, and the user must enter a value manually.

If you want to specify a single value to include or exclude, enter the same value in both the Low and High fields

To define security rule elements:
-- In the Security Rule Elements block, select the type of security rule element. Valid
types are:
Include Your user can enter any segment value that falls in the

following range.
Exclude Your user cannot enter any segment value that falls in
the following range.
-- Enter the low (From) and high (To) ends of this value range. Your value does not
have to be a valid segment value.

3- Assigning Security Rules:

1. Navigate to Assign Security Rules window.
2. In the Assign Security Rules block, identify the value set to which your values belong. You can identify your value set or by the flexfield segment or concurrent program parameter that uses the value set.
3. In the Security Rules block, enter the application and responsibility name that uniquely identifies the responsibility to which you want to assign security rules.
4. Enter the name of a security rule you want to assign to this responsibility.
5. Save your changes.

Oracle General Ledger > Security Rules :REF

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